Our Philosophy

The Outlier Mind is leadership development organisation that believes in the uniqueness of people.

We don’t teach leadership, we train minds.

Leaders are at their best when they are responsible for themselves - their thoughts, triggers, emotions and tendencies. Living the wild, unchecked versions of ourselves is not ‘authentic’. Authentic is when you can differentiate your circumstance from who you are, when you can allow the clouds of emotion to pass so the true you emerges, when you can tune into your own voice with ease without being carried away by the noisy opinions of others.

When this happens, you will bravely stand by your principles, regardless of who stands with you. You will live in honour of your values. Life will feel brighter, lighter and easier. You will be the best version of you for yourself, and those around you.

So instead of teaching you leadership principles on how you should behave, we will dance with you to the beat of your extraordinary life.

Embrace the Extraordinary